
Prayer can be thought of as a mental hygiene principle. Sanity depends on being in touch with Reality. Thus, prayer is an existential necessity. We are not talking here about religious prayer, which is mostly petitionary. We define prayer as a constant conscious endeavor to be aware of our place in Reality.

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At the Core of Addiction is a Spiritual Longing

One core thought at the root of addiction is the urge for liberation, freedom and joy. This urge is from the soul, the depth of being. Confronted with the cultural, educational, familial ways of life that are often dismissive of this spiritual longing or relegate it to meaningless rituals and rules, the opportunity to escape to a "high" is welcome relief.

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How Can We Be Safe?

In what way can man find peace, assurance, freedom, gratitude, love, life in the midst of an epidemic of crime? Wherein lies safety?

Safety lies in understanding that the solution to the problem is not in society or in the police, but in consciousness. A certain quality of consciousness will create a predilection to victimization, and another quality of consciousness will create a sense of safety.

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God is an Is system

There is a saying, “Laws are made to be broken.” But if we understand God as an “Is system,” it will make no sense at all to violate it. For instance, if we know that gravitation is, it is clear that no one in his right mind would want to challenge it by jumping out of the window.

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There are three frequent afflictions which people tend to suffer from: pride, ambition, and vanity. It is hard to measure which of these is worse, but it would seem that ambition is the most troublesome. . . It is full of frustration because if one succeeds, one gets sicker; and if one fails, one also gets sicker.

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It's Good to be Good

The point is to find the valid, intelligent, harmonious way of coping with life. . . . It is good to be good, right? Unbelievable as it sounds. People will say it is crazy to be good in a world that is so evil. But we say it is good to be good. It is not good to be judgmental and critical and vindictive and hateful and aggressive. Those things are not good for anybody.

-Dr. Hora, Encounters with Wisdom book 2: chapter 8: Reverence for Life

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Letting-be” is an existential term.  It originated in Taoism. Letting-be actually means: reverent, loving responsiveness to that which is from moment to moment.  It is a highly constructive, supremely spiritual attitude toward all life forms, not unlike Albert Schweitzer’s reverence for life.

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What is So Great About Humility?

". . . humility, is not proud; it is dignified, inspired, intelligent, peaceful, assured, alert, responsive, and highly effective. It is not a form of behavior but, rather, a quality of consciousness. . . . If we could be truly humble we would never know anxiety."

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Is Consciousness Created in the Brain or is the Brain in Consciousness?

Each individual is a “capacity” to express the Whole in a unique way. This is going on whether we are aware of it or not. Our journey is to wake up to this possibility and fulfill it as much as possible. 


Driving along the highway provides a good example. Each driver on the road can drive using intelligence, responsiveness and awareness, or not.  Each driver is responsible for how they drive, yet, how they drive contributes to the whole of traffic.

We could say that a “good day of driving” occurs when there is intelligence, compassion, alertness and responsiveness at the wheel, where everyone arrives at their destination timely and safely.



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Spiritual Healing for Life Situations

When facing difficulties in our jobs, finances, health and families we are experiencing a life that seems to be the exact opposite of what we’ve worked hard to achieve: security, happiness, safety, and health.  How might a spiritual approach make any difference in circumstances that seem to come from a hard and hostile world? 

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How Can I Get My Two-Year Old to Stop . . . ?

Children are influenced by three factors in parental consciousness: what the parents cherish, what they hate and what they fear. Therefore, healthy parenthood is impossible just on the basis of good intentions or self-sacrificing love. Parents can be loving, generous and devoted, and move heaven and earth for the sake of a child, but if they don’t understand these three elements in consciousness, they may be of little benefit.

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